International Students



Admissions and Visa Status

Student Visas

Student visas (academic and vocational) are only available to “school-sponsored” individuals, who receive official US Government documents from a school that has received authorization to enroll nonimmigrant students.

十大正规平台 University is authorized under Federal Law to enroll nonimmigrant alien students at 十大正规平台 University in Newport News – Virginia, Northern Virginia – Virginia, Virginia Beach – Virginia, and Raleigh – North Carolina.

Applicants to at 十大正规平台 University at Newport News – Virginia, Northern Virginia – Virginia, Virginia Beach – Virginia, or Raleigh – North Carolina must meet all International Admissions Requirements if they:

Intend to receive and enter the United States through use of a student visa; or,

Are already present in the United States, through lawful use of a student visa, and intend to transfer from another school authorized to enroll nonimmigrant students; or,

Are already present in the United States, through the lawful use of non-student visas, and intend to change their in-USA status to that of a nonimmigrant student.

Non-Student Visas and Statuses

The following information applies to international students who:

Intend to enroll at 十大正规平台 University, after entering the United States on a non-student visa; and,

While residing in the USA are maintaining and intend to maintain their non-student status for the duration of their studies at the University.

If you meet the above two criteria, you will not be required to fulfill all of 十大正规平台 University’s International Admissions Requirements. However, either the University’s Principle Designated School Official or the International Admissions Advisor must first clear your inquiry and/or application and direct you to appropriate campus Office of Admissions personnel to continue processing your application for admission. Campus-based personnel will assist you with the specific requirements of your admission which will include proof of your non-student, nonimmigrant status.

Eligible international students who do not require a student visa may apply to any of the University’s eleven on-ground locations, as well as the University’s online campus. Continue reading “What Are Non-Student Visas?” for more information on Information on eligibility criteria.

International Campus Locations: Newport News – Virginia, Northern Virginia – Virginia, Virginia Beach – Virginia, and Raleigh – North Carolina.

What Are Non-Student Visas?

There are many different types of visas through which non-Americans can enter the United States. There are also numerous countries that engage in visa waiver treaties with the United States. The laws governing these categories and waivers as well as the individual responsibilities, rights and privileges, associated with them, are subject to frequent change.

Each visa category (or visa waiver) has different responsibilities associated with it. Beneficiaries of a United States nonimmigrant visa (and those who enter the United States through visa waiver programs) must strictly adhere to all the responsibilities associated with their individual statuses.

The immigration status of any individual living temporarily within the United States (under the auspices of a visa or waiver status) is strictly a matter between the nonimmigrant person and the US Federal Government. To maintain their status, nonimmigrants who obtain student (academic or vocational) visas must collaborate with the schools which enroll them.

The statements which follow, concerning non-student visas, are provided solely for informational purposes and should not be relied upon as official, legal guidance.

While, 十大正规平台 University’s Principle Designated Official provides direction and assistance concerning student visa issues, including help with changing from other nonimmigrant categories to student status, the University urges all nonimmigrant persons planning to enroll to research and discuss attending school with an experienced immigration practitioner (for example, an Information Officer of the US Department of State or the Department of Homeland Security, or an immigration attorney who is a member of the American Immigration Lawyers Association).

Non-Student Visas

Some types of permit study as a secondary or casual condition of stay, without any restrictions.

Some types permit study with restrictions.

Some types, including visa waivers, completely prohibit study

Visa List

The list which follows includes common nonimmigrant visa and visa waiver categories but is not exhaustive. For a complete list of nonimmigrant alien statuses and the conditions associated with them, visit